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A search for 'How To Eat Fried Worms' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
1 matches in composers
  1. Gerald Fried

560 matches in tracks
  1. Wie Brunhild zu Worms einzog und wie die Könige sich vermählten (06:09)
    from Nibelungen, Die: Siegfried
    How Brunhild moves to Worms and how the kings celebrated their weddings
  2. Worms Reinforcements Stats-Screen Music (01:45)
    from Worms 2
    from Worms Reinforcements
  3. Original Worms Intro-Track (00:59)
    from Worms 2
    from original Worms
  4. Worms Reinforcements Intro-Track (00:57)
    from Worms 2
    from Worms Reinforcements
  5. Fried Pimp/Fried Chicken (00:00)
    from Exterminator, The
  6. Fried Pimp/Fried Chicken (00:00)
    from Exterminator, The
  7. Wie nach sechs Monaten Siegfrieds Morgengabe, der Nibelungen Hort, zu Worms eintraf und wie die Königinnen miteinander stritten / Wie König Gunther Siegfried die Treue brach (04:49)
    from Nibelungen, Die: Siegfried
    How after half a year Siegfried's gift to his bride, the Nibelungs' treasure, arrives in Worms and how the two queens quarrelled with each other / How Gunther betrayed Siegfried
  8. Contrary Order (Gerald Fried rehearsal) M16–20 (01:37)
    from Star Trek
    Tracks 62–66: Amok TimeSource Music and Outtakecomposed and conducted by Gerald Fried*Contains "Theme from Star Trek (TV Series)" (Courage/Roddenberry)
  9. Wie Volker von Siegfried sang und wie Siegfried nach Worms kam (09:11)
    from Nibelungen, Die: Siegfried
    How Volker the bard sang of Siegfried and how Siegfried came to Worms
  10. Worms (04:17)
    from Ransom
  11. Worms (01:06)
    from Ways To Live Forever
  12. Worms (01:12)
    from Allan Quatermain And The Lost City Of Gold
  13. Same As Worms (00:52)
    from Outlaw Josey Wales, The
  14. Worms of War (03:41)
    from Worms 2
  15. Summon The Worms (03:49)
    from Children Of Dune
  16. Worms Part 2 (04:40)
    from Ransom
  17. City of Worms (03:19)
    from See
  18. Einzug In Worms (01:13)
    from Nibelungen, Teil 1: Siegfried, Die
  19. Burchard Von Worms (02:10)
    from WolfCop
  20. Burchard Von Worms (02:10)
    from WolfCop
Show all 560 matching tracks